What's goin' on... What's goin' on (think Marvin Gaye!)

There's so much going on, I'm reeling.

I feel like our world just went from zero to chaos overnight. The president is making federal laws to force the hands of public schools in regards to the transgender issue. I posted something on Facebook about this recently and someone commented, "Is this really because you don't want to go potty next to someone of a different gender or is this about something deeper?"

Absolutely it is about something deeper. Originally this was about my children and their safety. I send littles and bigs to the bathroom in pairs all the time, trusting the power of numbers and the honor system to keep the bad guys away. That will never happen again. This issue has opened the door for not only transgenders, but also perverts to float freely in and out of the restroom of there choice, no questions asked. 

But even beyond that, I am vehemently offended at the blatant disregard for natural order and God's perfect creative design. Psalms states so beautifully that God knows us, He took the time to carefully create every part of each person with diligent intentionality and purpose. For a person to scrap the original design to pursue a completely different model is not only offensive, it is shameful. 

What we have here are severely broken people rising to the top in our society and steering the cultural norm at full speed ahead. This is like handing the wheel of a high speed locomotive over to a blind and deaf man. The suicide rate in the transgender community is 40%. After gender reassignment surgery, that statistic rises to an astonishing 70%!!  The need for these people to be validated is not only being acknowledged, it is lauded and praised! These are deeply wounded people in need of the mercy of God to bring healing and restoration. Political power and forced acceptance will never fix those broken places in these individuals.

With that said, I will no longer sit on the sidelines and allow the government to dictate the world my children will be raised in. I will make my voice heard because I am NOT ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.



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