This Guy

My birthday is next week. My 40th birthday.

As is the case most years, we will be traveling on that special day, so this guy took me out last night for an amazing, way too expensive Italian dinner and a movie. 

A couple of things worth mentioning here... I may have had a hot flash. Um... what?!?

Also we watched a movie called Money Monster, and I sat on the edge of my seat the entire time. Granted, I'm one of those. I get completely emotionally engaged in movies that draw me in, and then I apply every element to my own life that will fit. Usually it's some random inspirational thing that either inspires me to do something big or lose weight. (Which, at this point is also doing something big.) 

This movie inspired me to do something. I kept thinking, we are a flash in the pan. Like seriously, a firework. A few moments of flashing and popping and then we burn out, like a vapor. Like the flowers of the field, here today, gone tomorrow. Which leaves us with this incredible question- what will we do with it? 

I'll tell you one thing for sure, I do NOT want to be a dud! I want to blow up the sky with brilliance in my moment. Not only to be seen, but I want to leave a mark, an imprint on the night, for the glory of God, for sake of His kingdom. 

I'm praying for the navigation of that. I feel like I have a good start- bringing 9 God-fearing children into the world, but I don't believe it ends there. 

What will you do?



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