Air Supply

This past weekend this happened.
What's that you say? You didn't know 66 year olds still toured? Oh yes. They came all the way from Austrailia to belt out "All Out of Love" like bosses. 

This was, hands down, the most entertaining show I've ever been to. It wasn't just the singers or the songs, but the eclectic audience put on quite a show on its own! 

Here's our standard lovie selfie. I spent 19 hours laughing with this guy and let me tell you, it was magical. I wish we could sneak away every month to be alone for 19 hours. It's rare for us to have conversation that isn't happening over a layer of screaming, yelling, or happy kid noise. It makes it so much easier to concentrate on what you're saying! 

I am sure you're wondering where I've been. My life has taken so many twists and turns, I'm still reeling. God prepared me for a storm and once it passed I sort of fell apart. You know how when something happens in your life that sort of leaves all the pieces in a mess you have to start over? That's where I'm at. I'm picking up pieces and it's still a mess. But baby steps back, I'm writing today. 



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