World's Greatest Mother
Thoughts from my Sunday school class... so much incredible wisdom happening in that classroom!!!
We were talking about Jochabed, Moses's mom. The woman is a hero. Seriously. She did the scariest, most incredible thing... she was blindly obedient.
Dude, it was loco what she did. They wanted her to toss her baby boy in the Nile River, but she didn't. They wanted baby Mose dead, but he lived. God pricked her heart when she looked at that beautiful face, and He placed a dream in her heart that he could live if she bucked the system. God asked her to do something scary. Out of obedience she hid her tiny baby until she could hide him no more. She risked her life and his life for the sake of obedience.
See what God did there? He used what she already had to accomplish His purpose. What she had was the unconditional, God-given love that only a mother can have for her son. She saw something special in her newborn baby that only a mama can see.
Then when she was totally frazzled out of her gourd from not only tending and nursing a new baby, but hiding him, muffling his cries, acting as if everything is normal every time someone came to the door, she came to the end of herself and lept off the cliff, metaphorically speaking. Mama lost her freakin mind and put the baby in a basket and sent him down the river. Right? No, indeed. God told her to do it. He gave her this unreal idea that her boy could live if she put him in a homemade boat and set him in the reeds. And guess what?? IT WORKED! Then He gave the baby right back to her to tend and nurse and speak TRUTH to for the most critical years of his life!
What the WHAAAA...????
The thing is, you just never know what God is gonna do. It seemed nuts! It looked totally insane, but He used this lil mama in His plan to deliver the nation of Israel from generations of slavery. She had no idea, I'm sure.
So I was thinking about how if we just trust Him and do what He wants us to do, even when it looks like a leap off of a cliff, He will bring it all together in ways we couldn't even dream up if we tried.
Deisha got these amazing sets of Lego Friends for her birthday. This was equally exciting for me because I LOVE LEGO PROJECTS!!! #tooexpensiveforanightoffun #illjustdoapuzzle. We set out to put together the cupcake shop early in the evening. Started with two instruction books, several bags of pieces, and the determination to make that magic happen.

Trust Him. Do what He says, even when it's scary or nuts or pride-swallowing. It's worth it.
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