16 Personalities

I don't know why some days I'm unbelievably productive and other days I am unbelievably unproductive. I would say lazy but theres not really any hope of me being truly lazy with all these kids and this big ol house. And then I read took this https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test. I'm an ENFP. To the core. Seeing myself on paper really helped me to understand these shenanigans in my mind! Like this. I just found this list when I looked up my personality type. 25 Struggles Only ENFPs Will Understand 1. Getting your energy from social interaction, but disliking superficial conversations. Yes, I want to go to a party tonight. But a party full of contemplative people who want to alternate between taking shots and discussing the meaning of life. 2. Being very socially conscious but also fiercely individualistic. This means always wanting to fit in with a group, but never wanting to compromise your personality to do so. 3. ...