Something awesome

So this awesome as just happened...

Enter The Elms Resort and Spa.
I've wanted to do this for a long time, book a spa day in an epic spa!! 
It's blurry, I know, my I was delirious with excitement!

Dude... We were so relaxed.
11 kids between us, this was totally therapeutic. Just what the doctor ordered.
Quiet room...
Just for the record, we were not quiet. And it was fine. And awesome!
Apricots and fruit infused water
The Roastey herbal teas
So much pampering in this joint.
I wish you could feel those robes!!
The grotto
Forgot my swimsuit. Booooohoooo...
Apparently people tend to frown on using the gratto in spanks and a tank top. 😂
And then there was this, the milk and honey bath. I wasn't sticky at all when I got out! Hahahahhahahaha!!!

I loved this place. What a gift my sweet husband worked countless hours driving the Uber-mobile to cover this lavish expense. Thank you, sweet D, and thank you Jesus. You continue to surprise me!

Don't worry, he got a little spa treatment of his own!! 😍

Hope you're making it count today!! 


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