16 Personalities
I don't know why some days I'm unbelievably productive
and other days I am unbelievably unproductive.
I would say lazy but theres not really any hope of me being truly lazy with all these kids and this big ol house.
And then I read took this https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test.
I'm an ENFP. To the core.
Seeing myself on paper really helped me to understand these shenanigans in my mind!
Like this. I just found this list when I looked up my personality type.
25 Struggles Only ENFPs Will Understand
1. Getting your energy from social interaction, but disliking superficial conversations. Yes, I want to go to a party tonight. But a party full of contemplative people who want to alternate between taking shots and discussing the meaning of life.
2. Being very socially conscious but also fiercely individualistic. This means always wanting to fit in with a group, but never wanting to compromise your personality to do so.
3. The constant tug-of-war between ‘YES, I WANT TO GO EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW’ and ‘Wow, I need a lot of time to process these experiences, can I take a breather?’
4.Having a thousand great ideas that you never follow through on.
5. Regularly forgetting that your physical needs exist.
7. Constantly contradicting yourself because you genuinely see multiple sides to most situations.
9. Being a HUGE, UNSTOPPABLE FORCE of creativity and productivity… an hour before the deadline.
11. Constantly biting off more than you can chew… and then chewing it out of stubbornness.
12. Stressing out friends and acquaintances who don’t like straying from the original plan.
13. Working towards a constantly altering notion of your “ideal self.” (YES
14. When you have to complete a task that you simply cannot find a way to make fun.
15. Begrudgingly identifying Peter Pan as your spirit animal.
16. People underestimating your intelligence because you lead with the fun, upbeat parts of your personality.
17. Needing significantly more alone time than other extraverts.
18. Others being surprised that you hold such strong opinions and beliefs, despite your easy-going nature.
19. Trying to explain to the people closest to you that yes you love pretty much everyone, but you love them the MOST.
20. People thinking you’re looking for advice when you simply need to process things out loud.
22. Wanting to be alone… but like, with other people nearby.
23. Appearing shallow because of your tendency to flit from topic to topic in conversation, with lightening speed.
24. Having a fiercely independent streak… but getting bored without company.
25. Being a walking contradiction in almost every way, but knowing that you wouldn’t change a thing, even if you could. 

It's me. I edited this to fit me more appropriately. Like a typical ENFP, I am freshly inspired to master my weaknesses, now that they are clearly defined for me! SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING?? I'm getting SOOO excited talking about this!
Get your own results and see if you don't have the same reaction!! If you do, you might be an ENFP too!
Happy summer, y'all. I love you to BITS!
Photo Credit: http://www.dunning.ca/blog/illustrations-of-type-enfp-3/
Article Credit: http://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2014/09/25-struggles-only-enfps-will-understand/
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