Ordered chaos

I made myself a drink and lost it. I lost te drink I made for myself.

I've been walking around thirsty for an hour, working around the house and putting kids to bed for an hour, thirsty. I can't find it.

Yesterday I needed a ponytail holder. I couldn't find one. I have at least 25 of them, and they are. All. Gone. G. O. N. E. It was hot. I almost cried, the longer I went as my hair cursed my neck with beads of sweat dripping down. Arghhhhhgh. I even bought a new package of ponies and... They are nowhere.

I went to the grocery store. I told them my phone number to get my rewards points, and the girl says, "Did you lose your card? I can get you another one."
Great idea! I'll sign up right now. I get to my car and the card is nowhere. I even looked for it before I left the store and assumed she put it in the bags of groceries. Wha...?

This is a trigger for me. I can't find something,
and I lose my mind. I go totally ballistic. It's ridiculous. I loathe it. 

It's because I think I'm losing my mind. I make a drink and it vanishes into thin air. And I lose my head. But alas... This is my life. Chaos. Ordered chaos. And noise. But all sprinkled into the storm if love.

Deisha, just now, threw herself into my back as I typed, nearly hurling me face first down the stairs. Dude... I'm on the brink. 



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