May Days

This has been the most spectacular month. I keep saying it over and over. It's like a dream, I don't even believe it was real! And then I scroll these pictures and it's true! It was real! All of it!

We celebrated our 20th anniversary with tattoos. Our promises to each other that our love will stay. #songofsongs #truelove

This girl turned 8. It was an epic celebration.
Complete with dung beetles on the cake, thanks to the artistic genius of Jon Jenek!
This guy had shoulder surgery and got to stay home with me for three weeks of blissful rest. Kind of. He hasn't gotten much rest, but it has been fun.
Mother's Day... was an amazing day, seriously; Dale and the kids really did it right! I felt loved and appreciated on so many levels. Here's a shot of my little guys giving me a pedicure with super extra baby lotion. 
The baseball season started, which is awesome! Big hitter here!!
Unbeknownst to me, there was a surprise party in the works starting waaaay back in March. My crew threw me an awesome celebration to mark my 40th year. I cried when I walked in the door. It was unreal. Seriously. The most incredible gift.
And then there was the annual Sutton vacation, destination: Lake of the Ozarks. (More on this later!)
Good grief... I can't get over how many amazing things have transpired in the past four weeks!!

Next, Zac Brown Band!
Got to see this crazy girl after 6 long years apart.
Aaaaaand for the grand finale,
Memorial Day at Dana's complete with watermelon and a water balloon fight!
I feel like a fountain of blessing has been parked next to me all month. What an amazing gift. I'm so in love with these people and these days. The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever. And this is how I see that play out. Thank you, God! You are everything to me.



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