A city on a hill

Lompoc is, bar none, the most beautiful place I've ever seen. I have dreamed of travelling down the streets of Paris and watching the gondalas in Italy, but I never anticipated such beauty in the place of my permanent residence.

What's truly amazing about God is that He is so unpredictable. What I've been told is my greatest weakness has worked for me in brute strength today in my acceptance of these peculiar circumstances. We are homeless. Isn't it a strange concept? There is nothing spectacular about it because there is an end in sight and it is arranged for us to have a house here, but it's the characteristic I would list on the *get to know me* surveys as something interesting about myself right now. But here's the good part. We haven't had Dale home with us for this long of a stretch in... oh... ever. He's never been able to spend this much uninterrupted time with us as he has/will right now. So our homelessness is a gift. It's a vacation and an adventure. We will have to create some debt as a result of our move, something we had hoped to avoid, but really-- when something as paramount as this falls in your lap, why not enjoy it?

God hears your prayers and I am thankful to have them!!! There is really no way we can get into the house any sooner than Dale's first day of work. It's strange the way the government has such legalities that do not bend. I guess that's why it works the way it does. So your prayers for us are that the body of Christ would be a physical help for us as we unload, reload, and unload again in the next week. Hopefully the weight I've added from eating out so many meals in a row will melt off as I summon strength that is not mine to lift furniture and boxes.
Pray too that the kids do not get the brunt of our emotions. It's difficult to be rational when you're living out of suitcases and on top of each other in two small rooms.


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