Are we there yet?

Not quite.

Thursday we started loading the 70 ft. moving truck with everything we own for, hopefully, the last time. Federal employees, when they transfer from state to state, are moved by movers; that's what I kept telling myself as we stacked the 70some boxes into the first few feet of the truck. It was sunny and beautiful from noon until about 3:30 when the storm clouds rolled in. I prayed fervently under my breath that God would hold back the rain for just one more hour, just one more hour... We had announced that we'd start loading the truck at 4:30 so people that worked could help us. The four of us loading until that time had everything on the lawn, thinking it would be easier to organize the load if it was all laid out. Around 4:00 big rain drops began to pelt our totes and funiture through the branches of the tree under which we had placed most of it.

I carried one load after the next in bewilderment trying hard not to fall apart. It must've shown on my face because my friend, who worked sparing nothing the whole time, kept asking if I was ok. I was ok, just nervous. More and more people came after that and consoled me with, "It's almost done." I could see the truck was nearly packed, but it wasn't almost done. I joked that it was half done, knowing we still had to unpack the truck at the other end. It wasn't half done though.

We are here in sunny southern Cali where it's 58 degrees right now, and there isn't a ray of sunshine in the sky. This morning we got a call to inform us that our house would be ready on the 11th, the date Dale is scheduled to report. The 11th. We're in a suite in Lompoc planning to unload the truck tomorrow at our new house. But it's not ours yet. It's not ours until the 11th, six days from now. There's a kitchenette and laundry facility here, but there's no peace or quiet.

Plan B is to unload the truck into a storage unit, stay in a hotel for a week, rent another truck to move our storage to the house on the 11th, stay in a hotel for the rest of the week... Dale will be at work so it's up to me to get the stuff moved in. Hahaha. I don't hate me because I live for drama.

I am praying that by some miracle we can go with plan A tomorrow. Pray for us. We need yet another miracle.


  1. I am standing in the gap - praying that the move will take place tomorrow sister!!! God will take care of you! I love you.

  2. aww Becca, it will all work out. It always does. When we moved from Northern California we couldnt find a house and my family of five had to live with my inlaws for six months. What a ride!! You will get it all done and get settled. Are you in the desert part of California? Because that is about where i remember Lompoc. If so...more power to ya!

    Write me when you can @

    Your long lost friend, Katy


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