Every day I make mental notes of all the glorious things I want to write about, but the lengthy posts can become monotonous and boring, so I have to sift through all of my ideas and promise to save the rest for another day. I fear that the wonder will wear off as we slide into the day-in-day-out and the adrenaline that courses through my veins every time we see something new and spectacular won't affect me quite as dramatically on the days when I do decide to post. BUT for now, my time is limited and as much as I would love to write for hours, I just can't. *please forgive if you call and I am brief on the phone. Dale and I rarely have conversations with a third party when we're together and even though the moments are pleniful now, they are no less precious. But I do love you and will catch up with you soon!!!*
I was especially crabby today; at seven o'clock I got up and got to work on laundry and "making sense out of our truck". By ten o'clock I had spent three hours with the kids while I worked and took them to the delicious continental breakfast in shifts. The girls ate twice. So when I got into the shower to head out for our adventure to Solvang, I was hissing and snapping at everyone in my path. It's not that I can't be with them for that long and get my work done; it's that we are on top of each other everywhere we go and the constant noise... hotel life is wearing on me. *you can't let your kids be kids in a hotel on the third floor, or in restaurants, or in Wal-Mart. And we can't stay at the park from morning till night, it's too dang cold! SO when we got home from the adventure, I laid down for a nap. This is something I rarely do when Dale's home unless we nap together, but I think he was pulling for it thanks to my delightful mood. Thanks to an unexpected interruption, I did not nap, but rather laid there thinking about how awful I was the entire day.
Normally in this situation I'd find something to eat and go back to bed. hahaha. Not really. Ok, not ALWAYS, but sometimes I really do that. Only outside the closed door was my entire family that I had been terrible to all day. I exitted the bedroom without a word and made my way to the front bathroom where Leila, the only one brave enough to approach me, joined and we both put on our swimming suits. We went back to where everyone was watching TV and I said, "We're going swimming. See you later." This was followed by squeals and scrambling children.
At the pool we met a family of fellow believers and home schoolers who asked if we were going to "the launch" tonight. Dale said everyone was talking about it, but we didn't know details. Get this. The woman was the wife of one of the ROCKET SCIENTISTS conducting the launch! She told us all the details and our kids had a ball swimming and freezing.
We cleaned up, ate free nachos and hot dogs and headed for the mountain where we could see the rocket. Now let me explain something. They only launch rockets for NASA in two places in the country; Florida and California, and we are only 10 minutes from the best lookout!
I was especially crabby today; at seven o'clock I got up and got to work on laundry and "making sense out of our truck". By ten o'clock I had spent three hours with the kids while I worked and took them to the delicious continental breakfast in shifts. The girls ate twice. So when I got into the shower to head out for our adventure to Solvang, I was hissing and snapping at everyone in my path. It's not that I can't be with them for that long and get my work done; it's that we are on top of each other everywhere we go and the constant noise... hotel life is wearing on me. *you can't let your kids be kids in a hotel on the third floor, or in restaurants, or in Wal-Mart. And we can't stay at the park from morning till night, it's too dang cold! SO when we got home from the adventure, I laid down for a nap. This is something I rarely do when Dale's home unless we nap together, but I think he was pulling for it thanks to my delightful mood. Thanks to an unexpected interruption, I did not nap, but rather laid there thinking about how awful I was the entire day.
Normally in this situation I'd find something to eat and go back to bed. hahaha. Not really. Ok, not ALWAYS, but sometimes I really do that. Only outside the closed door was my entire family that I had been terrible to all day. I exitted the bedroom without a word and made my way to the front bathroom where Leila, the only one brave enough to approach me, joined and we both put on our swimming suits. We went back to where everyone was watching TV and I said, "We're going swimming. See you later." This was followed by squeals and scrambling children.
At the pool we met a family of fellow believers and home schoolers who asked if we were going to "the launch" tonight. Dale said everyone was talking about it, but we didn't know details. Get this. The woman was the wife of one of the ROCKET SCIENTISTS conducting the launch! She told us all the details and our kids had a ball swimming and freezing.
We cleaned up, ate free nachos and hot dogs and headed for the mountain where we could see the rocket. Now let me explain something. They only launch rockets for NASA in two places in the country; Florida and California, and we are only 10 minutes from the best lookout!

It shot through the sky like a ball of light for close to two minutes we watched in awe. I got tears in my eyes and bubbled over for half an hour chattering about how amazing it was that we got to watch that! And how ironic that we decided to get in the pool at the same time at this other family when it was only 60 degrees again? Just incredible.
Keep praying for us and know that I am praying for you!
Keep praying for us and know that I am praying for you!
tears...tears...tears... it is so great to hear that you are treasuring every moment. don't waste time on the phone (with me) -that was not IRONY that you met the family at the pool. That was God at work. He is meeting with you. Prayers are being answered because you are flinging yourself toward him. REMAIN in HIM. I love you all!