A new day!- no, wait, another day.

So we got Dale off to his first day of work before seven this morning and then stalled for a couple of hours, hoping he'd call and say, "The door's open, the house is ours!" I waited as long as I could and then started loading the car, now with an extra box and stroller from storage and double the grocery supply, but less one person. It took three trips, but I got it all in thinking we'd go straight to the house from the hotel. Dale's car was in the parking lot on my last trip down to load the kids in the car and check out.

He greeted me with, "I don't know when we can move in; just pray." I proceeded to check out of the hotel and drive around town with various errands to eat up time. Dale called me and said we would not be able to move in today so I needed to call everyone and let them know it'd probably be tomorrow. I started to let it take me down, but fought for my bearings and managed to maintain some control.

So for the third time, I moved us back into our room just as Dale was arriving back home. We ventured out to another state lake and found yet another perspective of paradise; it's just breathtaking. This one was less "beachy" but there was a huge pier where people were fishing. We walked out about halfway and looked out over the water; you could see for miles. I could watch the ocean for hours... I can't get enough of it.

The kids are showing signs of instability but holding on and still smiling. Scooter, on the other hand, is a little more off everyday. Today he threw up on our luggage while I was loading up, and then again as soon as we moved back into the room. Poor dog. He won't pee in the dirt or the sand unless he's desperate and we have time to wait for him to finds the perfect place. I have grunted and fussed about it for three days and Dale gave me clarity yesterday when he said, "He needs grass." Today I found a patch of green grass that he found suitable to do his business on, here on the premises. Maybe that'll help.

Dale was sworn in today and got his official Bureau of Prisons ID card; that was pretty exciting. He can see the beam of light at the end of this endless tunnel, and when he can see it, we all know it's there.

Even with all the insanity, I can't imagine being anywhere else now that I'm here. God always knows and I'm learning to just follow.


  1. Just keep following - hope today goes well. no matter where you end up tonight be thankful!!!!!

  2. awww...waiting is the pits. patience is a virtue! It will all work out you will see. Just think of all the quality time you have had with your family this past week!!

  3. hey, it's topher and KArla! What a journey...our hearts are with you.

  4. I don't have any wise wisdom to offer, only that I love you. I'll pray for you twice as nice tonight! What an adventure!


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