Oh the joy

I herded the kids out the door at 8:30 thinking we'd have time to get to Bible study and still a few minutes to sit down at the piano before the room was full of ladies but I was wrong. We pulled into the church parking lot at 8:57. If Bible study started at 9 I was in trouble! What I didn't know is that they don't do anything opening anything, the worship leader just comes in, sits down, and turns on the sound. I wouldn't know that because thus far I've never been in attendance for the first few minutes of the meeting. But I was about to find out.

We all hustled to the front doors of the building and to our surprise, they were locked! I lead the pack to the office entrance where they told me to make myself at home and practice all I needed to before people started to arrive. We were half an hour early! WOOHOO!

This has happened a couple of times now in my career as a mother. I find myself sitting in a parking lot after driving my children out of bed too early and rushing them into the car. It's a nice surprise but I still would rather just be a little early than to show up all frazzled from being late only to hurry up and wait.

What I am grateful for is the chance to sit at the piano and sing for a little while before anyone came in. The kids sat on the front row in shifts and sang with me. It was so precious I had to hold back a few tears. Leila did ballet right next to the piano while I played. What a sight.

The actual event went off without a hitch, I felt such a huge emotional wave as I lead these precious ones in worship to our God who they all love so much. Again I had to fight back tears as I sang. Everyone knows you can't cry and sing and I wasn't sure they'd know all the songs, so I had to keep it together. But it was a sweet, sweet priveledge for which I am again very thankful.

I don't know if I'll have the chance to lead again, but I do know that I can sit down at that piano whenever I want to, and that is something valuable to me.


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