SUP-ER BOWL, da da da DUN da DUN!

I have never been a fan of televised sports with the exception of the World's Strongest Man competition which is a simple display of brute strength in primitive surivival skill events, events like chopping logs, and carrying concrete blocks from there to there and throwing things over walls. Heavy things. This year I have come to enjoy Ninja Warrior. I don't know why I love these shows, but they are fascinating to me. I could watch them for hours. This year, however, I came to love and appreciate a sport that I had never really understood, even thought I love football season and going to football games. But my affinity was more for wearing sweatshirts and turtlenecks, eating popcorn and drinking hot chocolate, and snuggling under a blanket for a couple of hours amidst the fanatical cheering and cursing. My son becoming the greatest football hero on the field turned my attention to the skill and dynamics of the game. Graciously my sister explained downs and the chain gang to me which further enabled my understanding. (Even though I've run chains before, in my football trainer/water girl days, I never knew what the objective was and I was too proud to ask. Thank you, my Sista.)

So when Super Bowl Sunday rolled around, I announced that we would be having a Super Bowl Party at our house and the kids went straight to work.The girls had a tea party at the kitchen table, only none of them really like tea so Kennedy made coffee, which they all drink fully stocked with creamer and sweet n low. Tre started off feeling quite sure that he had a fever despite my denials. He got his blanket and Nintendo DS and camped out on the couch so he wouldn't have to miss out on all the festivities. After I took his temperature for reals and showed him that the numbers were well under 100, he perked right up. This fresh-out-0f-the-oven pan of Monster Cookies helped too.

We got online to see what time it started, next we called Mawmaw to ask who we should cheer for, and then the kids cut out footballs and made paper chains and pictures to decorate the living room. Their attention lasted through the first half, but it wained shortly thereafter.
By the end of the game, I was alone in the living room and the kids were snapping pictures of their new favorite past time back in the bedrooms, which I will chronicle in the next couple of days.
I loved the game. I was glued to the TV for every play. I don't know either team with any sort of personal affection, but it was exciting to watch even by myself. What is intriguing to me is the energy of the fans in the stands, it comes right through the airwaves. So don't cry for me next year when you're pulling hot wings and nachos out of the oven for your living room full of company. We're just fine. **Unless you happen to be in town, then you're invited to join us for our bash. I'll need to tweak the menu a little so just give me the heads up before church! xoxo


  1. I would be happy to write any sort of script you might need to wage war on the personalities of the players. It is always nice to know the softer side of the brute with the ball.

    BTW - I cant see any pics on this post.


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