
The sun was shining, a light breeze was blowing, and the weather outside was simply perfect. I was gently reminded of why we fell in love with this city upon arrival. While my friends and family are being buried under blankets of snow, we were out and about and full of good cheer today and it was quite rejuvinating.

In a desperate attempt to get out of the house, I suggested we make a trip to Santa Maria to Target where Snackwell's are only $2.54 a box. They are a staple around here and at $3.99 regular grocery store price, it's well worth a trip to stock up. Dale rebutted with the cost of gas not balancing the savings. My reply was an earnest plea to "PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE!" It was beautiful and we should go to the park. And wouldn't it be fun to feed the ducks? And besides, we could try that new place for lunch.

We ended up eating really tasty BBQ and then venturing out to the Big Boys Toys across the street. It happened to be next to a Michael's, which I have come to adore since it's arrival here after Christmas. Dale, who loves hobby shops, suggested we each by a project and do them together tonight. I love crafts and only dream of what I'm going to work on next, never really feeding the need- at least not nearly often enough. So, the girls and I picked a project and the boys picked a project and they are setting up at the table right now. What joy, what bliss! The Suttons are on a craft mission tonight.

I will post pictures tomorrow if we make some good progress tonight.


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