Warp Zone

My friend S most enjoys the posts with pictures so for her recent homecoming, I thought I'd choose some random photos of my kids for your viewing enjoyment. This is the top half of the roller skates on my myspace profile. Dale is adamently opposed to having pictures of any of us on that site, which I scoffed at until four zillion photo files were stolen off of private myspace accounts recently. Now I'm just thankful that he has that kind of foresight and I have learned to just adhere to what he adamently opposes. While I was clicking through file after file I found myself lost in a time warp. Remember in Super Mario Brothers when you could go through warp zones and it would skip you into another time and place? That's what it felt like.
It felt like they were so grown up back then and now I'm teary at the sight of their little toothless grins and fuzzy baby haircuts. I've heard parents say a million times, "Where does the time go?" and now I'm in the boat... it seems like it was just months ago when we had Leila. Now she's driving and helping Kennedy plan her wedding. Look at that baby face!!! And those tennis shoes! What an angel. And Sis in her hot pink glasses and coordinating outfit. Gotta love it!!! Man I miss that house. *sniff*
While Leila isn't quite driving, she is mastering major life skills, which makes me think she'll be driving tomorrow. And she will. *snort/sniff*
It's just one more benefit from homeschooling. When you are with your kids all the time, some days feel like an eternity. I can't imagine the weeks zipping by and flipping through one grade after the next. I remember when Kennedy was a toddler hearing someone say that once the kids were in school, there was no way to slow the clock; that they were graduating high school in no time.
It's just strange to think that there really is no slowing it down, the hands of time march on. *boohoo*
These baby pictures of Leila fanned my maternal fire so much. (you'd think daily life on the ranch would efficiently accomplish that with this many fans!) I used to get so strung out over the baby stage; (it's hard not to when you have them close together with no grown-up Kennedy to be a buffer) the baby food, the crawling, the chasing, the eating everything in sight. I don't remember feeling that way with Leila at all, she was such a little gift of sweet marshmellow goodness. I attributed it to my age and me being more laid back, but I think more appropriately, the blessings of God when given perspective, are designed to be just that. Sweet billowy marshmellow goodness. Except when you are in the throes of affliction. And frankly, that part just isn't much fun. But the abundance of our Fathers lavish rich love is... sometimes more than I can bear.


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