boob tube

I never wanted to have a TV. I proudly announced to my husband-to-be that I didn't want one in our house, instead I wanted a nice stereo system that occupied the place of a television and filled the house with music instead of mind-numbing chatter. He was on-board and for the first few months of our new life together, we didn't have one. We never bought one, never received one as a hand-me-down, never looked for one, the TV was a non-issue.

Thirteen years later, I am happy to announce that we have not fallen into the flat-screen, high-def era; instead of buying a new fandangled giant flat screen that hangs on the wall and connects to surround sound, we paid off our debts with our tax return last year. It was magical.

I have to admit that I have fallen into the TV-Nanny shenanigan and done everything I swore I would never do in starting my children's days off with Dora and closing the day out with Spongebob. BOO on me! But on our trip, my sweet husband and I have come full circle and decided to abandon our new friends on the tube in exchange for-- well, conversation, I guess. This morning we played music and sat on the couch. I loved it. It's the life I've always wanted. I'm praying that it lasts.

At this moment I am uploading pictures some of which I will post tomorrow, so get... get... get... get ready!


  1. I'm ready! And...I haven't watched one episode of either Dora or Spongebob in what seems like ages!! (sigh)


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