"I like living here"

While I was unpacking and sorting and cleaning and making meals, the kids were running the neighborhood with their friends. The doorbell rang seemingly continuously from about 10AM to 7:30PM. When Dale got home came home for lunch, I was chatting in the kitchen with my neighbor and he said, "Did you know there's a little boy watching TV in here?" I had completely forgotten that Hunter was in the house and Tre went outside to play. It got pretty crazy, but the busyness and activity was just what we needed to distract us from all that we left behind.

It's 70 degrees here, which feels strangely like the fall after being in a 110 degree heat index for a week. There are mountains and beautiful wild flowers everywhere. Our neighborhood has embraced us as their own. We have a reason for being here.

Last night I went out to pull the truck into the driveway. When I got out Jasmine was standing in the yard and said, "I like living here." I had to laugh to myself because I was feeling the same way and said, "Yeah... I guess we had to get away from here to realize how good it is."

I still want to move closer, I don't think I'll ever be truly content being three days from home, but God has blessed us and I can't deny those blessings. My life is goood... RRREALLY GOOOD! And I am grateful.


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