Third Stop: Mawmaw's House

We only lived in Missouri for a few years, but those years were so significant that I feel like I'm home when we're there. These are my adorable in-laws. I just love them. And I especially love when we are all here together in the kitchen, getting together a good ol' country spread.

And this is my awesome sister-in-law, April, whom I also adore. We had so much fun with her while Lonnie and Dana were working.

This is Grandma and Grandpa Welker. They came over for our homecoming party. You wouldn't believe the food at these gatherings. I don't think I've ever been around a group of people this big that could all cook! SWEEEET!

Here's Cousin Kaylee. She was just as happy as she could be to have some older girls to play with finally! They had so much fun with the Barbie collection in Mawmaw's basement. She has two brothers and a sister; I'll post pictures of everyone else at a later date.
This is Cousin Jenny and her little dude- Second Cousin Jordan. This is a giant, snuggly, marshmellowy, lovey dovey angel with huge blue eyes. He's precious! He also has a sweet sister, but I'll have to add more photos. I'm having trouble moving pictures around. Hopefully it will just repair itself for tomorrow's post. Happy Day to you!!!


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