Second Stop: Nanaland

This trip may not have happened if I hadn't been on the phone with this pretty lady who convinced me that we needed to come. I mean, basically she told me that every one's lives would amiss if they didn't have the opportunity to squeeze us and see our smiling faces in real life. In reality, it was a cooperative effort on the parts of all of our hosts, our generous parents and the net of love drawing us that made this trip possible so thank you to all of you!!!
I don't know if you've ever been to my mom's house; it's a very warm and welcoming place for people of all ages. I love going there. Quite a few years ago, my dad built this little replica of their house for the kids to play with. It's stocked with a full kitchen including a table and chairs. It's a lovely retreat from the blazing summer sun.

My mom and dad are DE BESSST!!! Sometimes I feel guilty talking to people about my childhood because it was so good. We're talking Ward and June had nothing on these two! No, that's ridiculous. No one lives like that in real life, but my parents were good to us. I am continually grateful for the head start they gave me for my life. They are more in love now than I've ever seen them and it spurns me on in the journey.
Nana always keeps a full supply of dress up clothes in her toy closet which Leila immediately ransacked. There's a tree house in background that goes up into a two story play place and extends out to provide swings in the shade.
Oh, here's a picture of my Sista.
Meet Keegan, my nephew. I fought tooth and nail to win this kid's affection every time we were together, but with little progress. Now that I'm a million miles away, I'm sure my attempts were in vain. But he's so dang cute I just couldn't help myself!!!
And Maren... oh dear. Just look at these two! We sat outside a lot while my brother and his wife were visiting, and I could have watched them play together the whole day. They were instantly best friends, except when they were wrestling over a toy. We're talking real deal wrestling. Hilarious!
And here in the horse tank is Gavin, my brothers oldest son. I fell in love with him right away; he reminded me so much of Kennedy at that age. He's even-tempered, a helper, and a peacemaker. You can't not love this kid! He's such a good boy. One night I told him he could sleep in the big boys' room and he was thrilled. Then when I talked to his dad, he said no because they had to get up really early the next morning. I felt terrible but I knew I had to be the one to tell him. I tried to break the news delicately knowing it was going to break his little heart, but he just said, "OK." Not a tear, not a scowl, not a screaming tantrum, just acceptance. I was so proud of him! Such a sweetie!
My brother T.R. and his wife Mel are youth pastors in the inner city of Kansas City. I don't think I need to tell you how crazy you have to be to do that job and love it. They're nuts and a blast and I adore them.

Monkey boy talked about climbing this tree for weeks before we got there. He was pretty pumped when he finally had the chance to get his hooks in it. I wish I would've taken more pictures of the yard; it's so pretty. Flowers, tomato plants, a brick patio, twinkle lights around the perimeter... it's just lovely; a really nice place to sit while the kids play.

BOOOHOOOHOOO I miss you too much!
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