Random Photos of Mawmaw's House

Breakfast on Saturdays is kind of like Sunday dinner at the Suttons' house. They make fried eggs, biscuits and bacon gravy, fried potatoes, sausage, bacon, and sometimes pancakes. It's an impressive spread that we get pretty revved up about.

We bought this keyboard from Musician's Friend, a music warehouse that a few members of the family work for. They sell damaged instruments for discount on top of discount prices. This little gem ended up costing us $35 because it was missing some software and an instruction manual. The kids had fun messing around with the demos and playing Zelda theme songs on it. Kennedy is turning out to be kind of a prodigy with all kinds of music. We'll see where she lands after some instruction, should be interesting.

This is Michael, April's son, and my nephew. He wasn't around much so I didn't get many pictures of him, so I was glad when I found this one. He's a junior in college and the sweetest guy, I just adore him. It's hard to believe he's 20. Whenever I see pictures of him I flashback to the early days when he was just learning to read and he'd climb up on the couch next to me and read me his books. Now he's a man; it's so weird.

Yesterday the kids asked me if they were supposed to call her Aunt April or just April. I think they are having a hard time figuring out where she fits on the timeline. She's older than Dale, but is WAY more fun than either of us, so she seems younger than me.

I LOVE THIS LADY~!!! She's nuts; you never know what's gonna come out of her mouth and we love her that way. She's some-kinda-crazy.
We did a lot of shopping and we found this cute baby at Kohls wearing the same dress as Leila so we stuck her in the cart and brought her home with us. She was just too cute to pass up! Just kidding. It's Deisha. We bought the matching dresses at Kohls, not her.

These boys are best best best best best best pals. Forever. I mean, they were in this picture, and on other occasions. Not all the time, but sometimes.


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