Nighttime Craziness

At bedtime I clock out.
Nine o'clock approaches, and I feel myself leaing toward that punch clock. 
Once the kids head up the stairs I take off my hard-working-mommy hat and let my hair down.

Typically my work is not done at that point. It's been this way for over a decade, but I'm a diehard optimist. I HOPE that after that last kiss goodnight I can sit down and relax.

Last night, after fifteen minutes of random screaming and yelling, I dragged myself up the stairs to deal with it.

I got the little girls settled back in to their beds and stuck my head into the other kids' room.

The first thing I saw when I opened the boys' room was Micah in the full face Viking mask standing posed like a deer in the headlights, arms flailing. After I scolded the boys for being out of bed I caught a quick glimpse of Tre behind the door wearing a Robin Hood hat and holding a bow and arrow ready to shoot.

The girls' room was quiet so I expected them to be nestled into their beds reading quietly.  You can imagine my surprise when I found Filthonica sitting at Kennedy's desk, lights on, music blasting. She wore a high, bushy, side ponytail, and a pair of 3-D glasses with the lenses popped out. I gave the same directive to the  girls that I gave to everyone else and excitted to gales of laughter.

It secretly thrilled me to find such excitement after hours, but I'll never tell!



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