Booma Boom Boom!

If you have never seen a ray of sunshine personified, meet Jas. She will light up your world. In our house, if you need the attention of the matriarch, you have to be willing to commit yourself to getting it. Each kid does it a different way. Naturally, the boys yell. "Mom. Mom. MOM! MOMMY! MOMMY!! MOMMYMOMMYMOMMY!!!" The girls have a different strategy. Kennedy says, "Mom. Mom. *heavy sigh* Mom. Mom! *growl and stomp*" Jasmine says, "Mom, would you get me a snack?" *3 minutes later* "Mom, can I have a snack? Would you get it for me?" *3 minutes later* " Mommy, I'm really hungry. Would you get me a snack?" *3 minutes later* "Mom, are you ready to get me a snack now?" She's like snack snooze button. I always laugh when she finally has my attention and I am moving toward the snack cabinet because she is so eternally patient. Granted, she does take a turn yelling, and whapping me, and growling, and stomping along with the rest of them, but generally she is long suffering in the flesh.

Yesterday Kennedy ran into the house screaming and shaking and brushing off her clothes and body. I said, "What's the matter, Sis?" She said, "There was a REALLY disgusting bug on me!" as she ripped her shirt of and threw it across the room. I laughed while she danced around, and inspected her hair. Then I picked up her shirt, looked it over and said, "It's not here, Sis. I looked at everything." She was still frantic, shaking and throwing nervous glances everywhere. "Are you sure it's not in my hair?" I looked at her hair again and then turned the shirt right-side-out, then let out this blood curdling scream, to which all three girls responded in kind, EVEN THE BABY! It was hysterical! When I started laughing, Kennedy, shaking, yelled, "It's not funny, MOM!" Leila looked up at me with the huge those blue eyes, like I was crazy. And Jas tried to conceal those pearly whites while she whapped me on the butt. It was so funny. I am not nice. We all laughed about it later when we were retelling the story to MawMaw. LOVED IT!

Fashion Girl Photo Shoot *notice the blue eye shadow*


  1. I LOVE IT!!!!! What a great Blog!! I love you guys so much!!


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