When you stay caught up, you stay caught up

Second day, no Zannah. Four hours of that precious covetted comodity, sleep, yesterday; let's pray for four today. Dale sweetly reassured me this morning that I'd get to go to bed in just 11 or 12 hours. Hopefully Lupe will be ready for a nice long nap in about an hour and we'll both drift merrily off to lala land. We have a big garage sale tomorrow and Lemonade stand. I don't know how geared up our customers will be for a cold drink when it is 48 degrees at eight in the morning. Maybe we should do the hot chocolate instead. CRAZY! We're going to bake cookies and the infamous delicious chocolate cake in hopes of beefing up the profits. I promised the kids they could have whatever they make. I'm thinking maybe we could take a trip to Worlds of Fun after graduation if we strike it rich.

Here's the first quote in a series of great quotes from brilliant minds and other people. "When you stay caught up, you stay caught up." That's an original from my first book- currently not in print. (Well, it's never been in print except from my personal computer. But someday, oh yes... someday.) It applies to everything in this life. When you stay on top of what needs to be done, you stay caught up. It may seem incredibly obvious, but it works.

Get it in your head. Check this out! http://www.storyboxpurses.com/ What I wouldn't do to get my hands on one of these babies! They are so cool!


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