Happy May Day to all! I hope you have huge baskets waiting on your doorstep full of flowers and candy- or in our case, scotcheroos. And if you don't, then grab your scissors and ribbons and start spreading May Day cheer to all your neighbors. If you need help with flowers, go to the expert, Martha Stewart.

I've been tagged by Becky. I look at your life and dream about my future. You have so completely grown into yourself; it's incredibly refreshing. I love people that know who they are and totally comfortable in the skin they're in. Love ya, my sista.

5 things I have in my fridge:
Strawberry milk
IHOP leftovers
Tangy Tomato Bacon Dressing
Broccoli Cheese and Beefy Cabbage Soups
Dyed Easter Eggs

5 things I have in my closet:
A Red velvet treasure box with the thick black ribbon full of treasures
Black Chuck Taylor Converse Lowtops
A Glittery Turquoise floor length formal from the seventies- a Great-Grandma original
Red and Black Nike Shox
NO Maternity clothes

What's in your dvd player?
Wallis and Grommit's Curse of the Wererabbit

What's in your car?
Two booster seats, an Eddie Bower strap-'em-in-for-dear-life-real-deal-car seat, crayons, pens, several bottles of cologne, a mini bottle of Eternity for women, a stack of napkins, and a bottle of water.

What's in your purse?
Chapstick, lip liner, Glazewear lip gloss, Neutrogena Hand Cream, Orbit Sweet Mint gum, fold away scissors, big wallet, mini Eternity for women, and keys.

I tag Chandelier, who is also new to blogging. Hope you're having a great day!


  1. no maternity clothes! ha! reading your blog makes me miss you so much! glad you're doing this though.

  2. Do you have any idea how dear you are to me? I miss having you around!! As is usual your anniversary card will be late--I just signed it this morning. It will, however, be in the mail today. I love you!


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