Kennedy's Page: Scooder

This is Scooder. I just woke him up. He always saves the hamsters. Everytime, well, almost everytime. When trucks pass by, he chases 'em, and he runs like a maniac! And when he does it, he smiles! My aunt's dog, Sawyer, and Scooder are really best pals. Sometimes when the hamsters get out, Scooder just sits there. And one time, he licked Hampy. We think Scooder has a girlfriend. *giggles*

Oh, on Friday the Mushroom Festival is coming. *mushroom capital of the world, right here!* I'm REALLY excited! I've been saving my money for the Mush Fest. I have five dollars. I might buy one of the lizards made out of beads and some jewelry, or maybe a purse.

Oh yeah, I have my own little digital camera. This morning was a really stormin'. Isn't Scooder cute on this picture? Mom says Scooder's nose looks huge on this, but I think he looks cute. OK, I have to go. Goodbye!


  1. I never knew Scooder had such a big nose!?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!



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