
Graduation Day! Yes, here are some pictures of the fun filled weekend. We had tons of family here, my mom and dad came, Dale's aunts, uncles and cousins all came from the St. Louis area, and of course, all our family here in the area made the trek to Liberty for the commencement ceremonies that must have been at least six hours long... but whatever we had to endure to see him walk that line, it was worth it!

Here is Dale with some of his good buddies and fellow graduates.

After the ceremony, Dana hosted the big graduation reception, which consisted of a huge barbeque and the remainder of the afternoon we spent outside in the gorgeous weather eating, playing baseball, and talking. Because the shade was scarce, the men sat in one area and the women sat in the another. The kids were in heaven with both sets of grandparents in town for such a long stretch of time.

This is Dana in the playpen; I think the stress got to all of us, it was time to LET LOOSE!

Here is Lonnie with two brothers and his sister. We were SO glad they made the trip. We all loved getting to spend some time with them.


  1. What a special time for all of you. Congratulations!


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