A Baby!

Meet Max,Maximus, Maximillion, Maxter, our new Boxer, our little gift from heaven. This little guy came to us, after much searching and researching and wishing and hoping, literally by surprise.
Dale works with a guy who is family to a breeder. He had mentioned how much he's always wanted a boxer and low and behold, he brought one to work in a kennel for us. SURPRISE!

Poor thing was in desperate need of some tender-loving care, which we immediately obliged times seven. He apparently had rarely been held, had scratches and bumps all over his neck and belly, and was super skinny. I'll tell you the truth; I was looking for a reason to send him packing from the moment he came into the house, but after I saw how much he needed us, I couldn't turn him away. This is the sweetest little dog!
Scooder, all the sudden, is old and grouchy and looking very fat, but we're trying to dole out the love in equal shares.
It's funny how God cares about our needs and then gives us what we want sometimes too. Having a boxer was never a priority any more than having whipped cream on anything is a priority. But Dale has wanted one for a long time. I have developed an extremely low sensitivity and tolerance for animals; I hear it happens to some people when they give birth to large numbers of children. So, I was never in the cheering section for the dog. I'm only awe-struck to watch this heart-desire of Dale's materialize out of nowhere. So thank You, God, once again, for caring about the little things.


  1. He is adorable! I am glad Scooder has a baby brother!

  2. Miles wants to go see him. Right now. I told him you moved and he said. yeah. and went on his way. the mind of a child. have a great day.

  3. I LOVE him! I cant wait to see him. Payton is such an animal lover but when he saw Jaz he lost interest.

  4. I am thinking from the size of those feet, he is not going to stay a "little" dog.. but..I must admit he is CUTE....I dont know where you find room for another "child"..LOL I have four kids, a husband, and a betta fish. That is all I can take in this state of mind. Can your family grow any bigger? ~wink~


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