
Have I mentioned that my sister made a surprise appearance? It was so funny... I had no idea she was coming until we were driving down the strip in Santa Barbara and she called. Dale played it off, but I had talked to her that morning and couldn't figure out why she kept talking to Dale. So I asked if we were picking her up; there's a train station in Santa Barbara. He fessed up and in five minutes we were loading her bags into our truck.
Right as we pulled off to the side of the road, I said, "Hey kids! Who's that lady?" All of them stared but no one said a word! It was so adorable. Once we had her loaded into the car, they talked and squealed all the way home. It was pretty thrilling.
Being that it was Friday, we dragged her to the Farmer's Market where I purchased these lovely flowers for four dollars. Yep, four dollars. Aren't they pretty?
I read a book a few years ago about how to live a beautiful life and one of the suggestions was to budget in fresh flowers every week. I've never done it; when I learned that we were moving to the flower seed capital of the world, I decided the time was right. And whoever wrote that book was right. They really made an impact on the room. I want to fill the house with them!
Sarah left last week with a terrible stomach virus that I must've passed on to her, but once she got back home I think she was ok. Isn't that just the way it goes? And I am sad to say I didn't take a single picture the whole time she was here. I don't know; such is life. Miss you, Sista!
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