I had this great idea...

My reading is slow and it doesn't produce a lot of sharing opportunities. When I was working nights and had four hours to read at a time, usually more than that, I could really digest a lot of information quickly and formulate a nicely rounded opinion or theory from what I had read. Now reading one chapter a day, it's like the thinking happens in spurts after I've gathered enough information to make a collective thought throughout the week.

Everyday I sit in this room and type various items that may be of interest and I'm surrounded by books. Chuck, my personal carpenter at one time, built me these fantastic seven-foot shelves that require several burly young men to lift, and we've managed to fill every shelf including the very top that really isn't a shelf at all, with books of all genres and themes and generations. I really toil over whether my simplistic writing is of enough value to sacrifice the time when I could be reading. And indeed, I believe it is- maybe more for me than you- because it keeps me connected and leaves a trail of breadcrumbs that brings me back to square one when I've lost myself. But with that said, I've read a lot of these books and I want to share something from some of them so that those of you that do not read or have a difficult time finding time to read can take something out of these meager morsels and be inspired somehow.

So todays snippet of knowledge is a summary of Stormie Omartian's "Greater Health God's Way". This book I picked up from the Calvary Temple library back when they were purging the shelves and sending us home with boxes to sort and toss. I laughed when I saw it but then read it anyway. I think about it, six or seven years later, almost on a daily basis which is why I believe it may be of some value.

There are seven very simple steps that she expounds on one at a time and they are as follows:

1. Peaceful Living- Be honest about your life and live for real. Minimize stress, deal with your demons, and laugh and cry when you need it.

2. Pure Food- Start weeding out processed food and move toward the fruit (and vegetables) of the earth.

3. Proper Exercise- You know all about this one; move everyday.

4. Plenty of Water- You know all about this one too; 64 a day. (I've read recently that you don't have to drink all of that in water, but at least half of it water and minimize caffine.)

5. Prayer and Fasting- (and let me add Bible study) These are critical spiritual disciplines.

6. Fresh Air and Sunshine- There are countless physiological benefits of getting each of these on a daily basis. Ever met someone battling depression? Ask them how much fresh air and sunshine they get in a normal day. Seriously- it's good medicine.

7. Perfect Rest- Establish good sleep habits.

It's simple, but profound. I am constantly checking the list. I think it's amazing how all of the steps really work together. When my life is disfunctional, I can almost immediately pinpoint why because one of the steps is missing.

Let me say that time with family and other believers is a vital part of good health too, but when everything else is lined up in your personal life, those things seem to naturally fall into place. Happy Fourth of July and shoot something off for me!!! (We can't risk another Lake Tahoe here in Lompoc!)


  1. I am with you! I don't think I have read anything on my own free will in years. Other than maybe an artical in the newspaper that had caught my eye. I am still trying to achive my "great idea". Wich is the sleep part. Just wanted to say hi and that it is so nice that I can check up on my favorite gymnastics family even though there are so many miles between us. I miss you all so much! I will be waiting to hear from you even if it is one sentence at a time! Love coach jen

  2. waiting to read-- i check every day. don't blame it on the dial up!!!!


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