
When I was in high school, I wore styles that were years ahead of my time. I was among a small group of weirdos that wore combat boots with dresses and shopped at thrift stores. We were an oddity. I knew how to find things that looked right. I seriously do not know how to pick out clothes anymore. I go into Target and I’m so overwhelmed by all the choices and styles, I usually walk away empty-handed. I’d rather just wear the clothes I have because they’ve all been vetted by my children. Today I went in to buy some shoes for one of my girls and decided to pick some out for me too. The more I looked and tried things on, the more overwhelmed I got so I used one of my lifelines. I called my sister. Just like my daughters do for me, she vetoed everything I picked out. Then she got online and found a pair on and sent me a picture. They weren’t the ones I’m wearing in the photo. They were much more on-trend, or however you say that now. I recognize that I gra...