Just for fun!

Just for fun I thought I'd share a few recent photos,
like this little sweetheart.
Sumo-baby and his dimple twin.
 Kennedy's graduating this year. It's a year of firsts and lasts. *sniff*
I've been trying to be intentional about doing things that are fun,
even if it's inconvenient.
We get one shot at this.
If I don't do it now, my life will go flying before my eyes and
All these precious faces will be taking flight.

I don't want to miss a single minute of it.
This is the life I have always wanted, and here I am living the dream!

So fun.
So stinkin' fun.

Mose and Brother are roommates now.
Who knew that day would come??

Scarlette turned 4.
She'll be 14 next month, if I don't stop and look her in the eye when she has very important secrets to tell me.
It starts so slowly, you think the end will never come,
and then there are glimpses.
It's exhilarating
And terrifying.
Be still my heart.
Keeping my eyes wide open.


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