parenting 9 kids 101
I have this overwhelming sense
That I'm not doing something
All the time.
The thought crosses my mind
On a daily basis.
In getting ready to listen to a webinar
On focus.
It's the same guy that did the last one
That reminded me to focus.
I considered not even listening in.
Honestly, is it possible to focus in my life?
I wish someone would come in here
And show me how to do this
With focus.
I know what the Bible says is true.
Seek first the kingdom of God...
But what does that amount to?
Could it really come down to
Reading a chapter of my Bible
In between
Sips of slim fast or breakfast
Changing diapers
Cleaning up spilled cereal
And hunting down the lost things that
No one can find but me?
My prayers are
Does that matter to God?
Is that seeking Him first?
It seems more like filler.
Here's my heart Lord
Mixed up in the pieces of a
My scattered hairbrained mess of a day.
Will He really accept it
As an offering of devotion
To seek first His kingdom?
He did for the widow
And her feeble tinny plunk
in the offering plate.
My conclusion...
No matter how insignificant
No matter how messy
No matter how dysfunctional
My attempts at devotion are
Absolutely He will.
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