
We had company for part of the day yesterday.
I made dinner after they left
And almost immediately was sick.
Then Scarlette threw up.
Then Leila felt sick.
I woke up this morning to a sick Micah
And Dale.
People dropping like flies.

Why is it that when I know we can't,
I want to go places
See people
Do things???
But on a regular day
It's a desperate attempt to check off the list
Get things done
Hurry up and finish
So I can do it all over again... ?

I'm reading a book called
Playdates with God.
Ironically it talks about the incessant list making.

My concern with doing life this way
Is that if I don't slow down and
Go places
See people
Do things

The very best part of my life will
Slip through my fingers
And rush me forward to the end
Where in my leisure
I start losing my people to death
I start losing my health to age
I start losing my grip on this life.

I know I don't want that,
But some times my life is hard
Which makes me want to
Get it overwith.
And for what? Harder days??

My new goal is to
Wherever I am, be all there.
Starting now.



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