Halloween 2015

This is the first year we collaborated on a costume ensemble. Dale's idea. I loved it. It's so apropos. Can you guess what we are?$
I'd dare say, you would be in shock and awe at the sheer volumes of candy that come into this house on Halloween night. It's a mama's dream come true...
It's maybe a little overwhelMing to see this crew approaching your door. Good thing we move in shifts. Seriously... There are a lot of us. 
Beautiful girls. It's strange to me that Leila will be adding makeup to her life on her next birthday. Just mascara, but it's makeup and yikes. The kid us gorgeous. Where do the days go? Deisha insisted on adding ketchup and mustard to her baby costume. It's accurate, I couldn't say no.
Little Minnie Mouse debated on being a regular mouse or a haunted mouse. A haunted mouse would hop on one foot and hold one arm behind her back. I was pulling for haunted mouse, but no dice.
Sick monkey. So. Stinking. Adorable. Like totes adorbs.
Most of my big kids dressed up and trick or treated. They made me laugh all night long.
The whole salt and pepper thing was pretty freaking awesome. I loved it. We work together.

Happy Halloween!! Thanksmas preparations are in effect without me...
More to come on that later!!



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