just to get by

It's hard for me to clean. I go flitting from one thing to the next trying to accomplish something and then another and another, only to turn around and realize that I left 42 things half done. Like... I came down to go to bed early and I couldn't find my pillow. The pillow that I sleep on every night. It was missing. From my bed. (This is a trigger for me.) I began to look around for it. There was clutter on my floor, candy wrappers, socks, toys, dishes... so I started picking things up. Trash in the can, socks in the hamper, shoes on the stairs to be taken up. And I realize I need to go to the bathroom. So I stop the cleaning up to go to the bathroom, and while I'm in there I change into  my pajamas. Might as well take my contacts out while I'm at it, and wipe down the sink and mirror. Back out, oh, the mess on the floor... and a pile of folded laundry catches my eye. Start putting it away, stack it on the table instead of on the bed so I can get into the bed, and I see that my pillow is missing. AAACK!

That's right. I need my pillow to complete this task of going to bed. I have to finish this one thing. I call up the stairs to see if anyone knows anything about it, but no one does. Of course no one does. That would be too easy. (Did I mention that this is a trigger? My stuff is missing and I want to go to bed. Like in the worst way.) As I'm hunting for my pillow I start picking up random things again. I quietly enter the little boys' room to drop off a few stray items and see my pillow, sweetly resting under Moses's head. Don't think I didn't swap it out for a less desirable pillow. I'm allowed to have this one thing. I am.

All that to say this. I wanted to clean my house this morning, top to bottom, corners, piles of stuff, neglected messes, but I knew I didn't have time. I'm trying to pinpoint the things that are unreasonable about my extreme idiosyncrasies. This is one of them. I get an urge to clean and I make a list that should take a month to complete, even though I only have 2 hours to get it done.

Wisdom says to change what you can and accept what you can't. I realized today that I can't have a clean house with all these people in it. It's ok. But I CAN keep a tidy-ish house, and that's my goal. Here's how I do it.

 Open doors/windows and turn on music. Light and music are natural mood lifters. Breathe and sing and dance as you work. It's just better that way.

1. Clean the big stuff first. Make your bed. Wipe off the table and counters. Straighten blankets on the couch. The biggest items occupy the most attention in a room, so get them cleaned up first. It makes you feel like you have accomplished something in a short amount of time.

2. Do the routine stuff next. Start laundry. Run the dishwasher. Put away dishes in the strainer. Put laundry that's waiting to be folded in one area, preferably in baskets. I don't know why that matters, but it gives a sense of order when clean clothes are in baskets.

3. Pick up each time you walk through a room. Grab hands and arms full of stuff as you pass by. It will help you whittle down the task a little at a time, making it more bearable each time you walk through.

4. Do the floors. Vacuum. Sweep. Mop. Just do it.

If you still have time after that, begin in one room and work from one end to the other. 

Happy Royals Day, Kansas Citians!!


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