
It was a big day inside these walls. An ordination into ministry for a soldier of the kingdom that brought me to tears more than once.

He brings the out best in everyone.

Add to that a deep love of God and His Word, the discipline of a rich seminary education and courage. I was moved by the power of his call to ministry and willingness to abandon all for a full-time position in kingdom work.

God called me at a young age. I married a Bible college graduate, and we hit the pavement ready to change the world. We worked side-by-side in church ministry until Dale went to seminary and became a chaplain. I led worship in the prison for a year as a volunteer but when that ended, my face fell off the business card. My prayers and support are my sole contribution to our ministry now. It feels like a meager offering. It feels lonely. It remains a calling, and I serve intently. 

Jesus was a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. He often went into a lonely place to pray, on purpose! I’ve found solace in His company in my reassignment to the background of our ministry. Maybe instead of burying the loneliness with busyness or food or scrolling, we need to walk into and find Him there. 

Why a vocation, where a person is constantly surrounded by people, lends itself to such loneliness, I will never fully understand. But, to all of my friends doing the hard work of ministry, Godspeed. 


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