The Depths

Feeling all of it today, the wash of heaviness. The slow steady drumbeat. The words, so many words spinning and diving in my head. Accusing. Belittling. Beckoning.

“Low. Lower. Lower now... come lower and feel. Feel all of it. Sink down into the deep dark places, away from the noise, where alone is safe. Alone understands. Alone is better. Alone requires nothing of you.”

I am no stranger to the sweet song of the darkness. It’s a sad melody that draws you in and promises to soothe you as you slowly drown.

The songs sounds remarkably similar to the call of the Good Shepherd... “Come away, love, come away with Me to a quiet place...”

Here’s where we part ways, me and the depths. He calls me into the light, never into darkness. In the quiet place with Christ, I am not alone, I am with my Lord. There is no isolation. I am His, and He is mine. In Him there is no darkness at all. 

Feel it, darlings, but never alone. Turn your face to Jesus. Bring it, all of it, as a broken offering to the One who is able to fill your emptiness, soothe your heartache, and quiet the voices. He alone can satisfy the longings of your soul.



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