good grace

Come together
Strangers, neighbours
Our blood is one

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.

Remember, dear ones, one of weapons in our arsenal is THE PEOPLE OF GOD. If the enemy of our souls can turn us against each other, we find ourselves isolated, fighting alone, with less weaponry. 

For the mind set in the flesh is DEATH. But the mind set of the spirit is LIFE AND PEACE. Where is your mind set? If your mind is clouded with anything that does not submit itself to righteousness, you are under attack. Fight the good fight, fight for our brotherhood. Fight for the namesake of Jesus! Read your Bible to combat lies, and then reach out for reconciliation to the one that you have been turned against.

Take courage
Hold on, be strong
Remember where your help comes from


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