We started our marriage in ministry, straight out of Bible college. I was always very involved in the affairs of the church, being a pastor’s wife. Worship. Bible studies. Teaching. Conferences. Events. All of it. After a lot of years, and a lot of hard hits, I pulled the plug on all my commitments and contented myself with being quietly invisible in every church following. 

It’s so easy to want to DO ALL THE THINGS, I hear people saying, “I know I should be doing...” but it’s just not true. 

It’s easy to do none of the things, too. That’s not the answer either. 

Ask God, and then DO WHAT IS YOURS TO DO. Nothing more, nothing less. Let the house you’re building, in the work that you do, be the house that God sets in your heart.

For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭3:4‬ ‭


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