The Goodness of God

I used to love this song that the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sang called “He’s Been Faithful”. I held it as a reminder and a promise, like a banner over my life. As I have walked through decades in the faith, I have found the words, “I will never leave you or forsake you” standing guard over my heart like a looming presence, constant and close. 

These days “The Goodness of God” is rolling through my mind on repeat. I no longer need Him to prove who He is to me. I know Him. God is alive, and He is the one that sticks closer than a brother. I’m compelled to sing of the goodness of God. All my life He HAS been faithful. I am the product of God’s redemptive power, adopted into His family. In moments of desperation, I reach for Him, even if I can only grasp the hem of His clothes, and I’m better. Who can explain how sitting alone in a room, I turn my heart toward God and I am satisfied deep down in my soul? Who can deny the riches of His goodness as you look into the face of a little child or even a puppy? The beauty and wonder of His design as a sunset cascades across the landscape like watercolors? 

With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God.


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