Do the next thing.

It seems so easy, but it gets dicey. My head is spinning with all the things I need to do, could do, should do, can’t do. Too many things in the que, it’s like my brain is malfunctioning. I’d be concerned if this wasn’t a mountain that I find myself on the precipice of about once a week. Unfortunately it is. 

However, when I stop the whirring in the que, the next thing seems pretty obvious. 

Make dinner.
Start the laundry.
Pick up the room.
Send the email.

It seems to all fall into place as I’m moving forward, you know that old idea about momentum and inertia. Once the ball is rolling, it’s easier to keep it moving. 

Is it snowy where you are? Following a whirlwind weekend and beautiful jacket weather, I watched snow pile up all day long. It’s got me wondering if we will ever go outside again.  I miss my walks, terribly, but I’ve found the deep abiding presence of God in the corner of my room where this is my view. 

From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head down
I will sing of the goodness of God



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