
After all these years and all these kids, sometimes I catch myself looking at these perfect little faces and worry that I’m not enough. Maybe they would have been better off with someone more organized, more diligent, more engaged and less consumed. Maybe they would grow up with richer lives if their mama had more patience to teach them how to tie their shoes, how to form their letters more carefully, how to pick up after themselves more consistently. ⁣

Maybe they would gain skills for life if I put them in soccer or basketball and ran them around town to events more intentionally. And not just these two, but all of them. I feel the grandeur of the responsibility and it’s crippling.⁣

When I find myself here trudging into the muck of despair, I have to remind my soul of the truth. ⁣

God chose me for these little ones, the same way He chose me for Himself. If He is good, and I know He is, then in Christ, I am absolutely, irrefutably enough to be their mom and all that entails for the rest of their lives. ⁣

He chose you for this, the thing you hold that feels too big for you. Speak the truth, say it out loud if you can’t get your head or your heart to line up with it. ⁣

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13⁣

Say it, literally, say it out loud. The Word of God is alive. This is your truth.



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