
We love to sit on the porch. It's not glamorous, it's not fantastic to anyone else, but if you've heard me talk about it you'd think it was the most covetted place in the world to be. For me it is. We used to go out there at night when it was cool and the kids were in bed because we can talk or not and just be together. Sometimes when Dale gets home from work, he'll go out there to unwind and naturally we all eventually join him. Last night we sat out there for about thirty minutes before the kids went to bed because it was so cold yesterday! I call it Fall Teaser because you know we'll have at least two more scorchers before the heat fizzles out. The kids played hide and seek in the yard with Sarah (she's back!!!) while we talked. When we came back in the house, we had a message. Usually the messages on our machine are from his family, my family or any one who is not currently in the house. So when I heard a stranger's voice, my pulse picked up. It was the supervisory chaplain in Mississippi!

It wasn't anything earth shattering, but it was communication and frankly, it was a break in the clouds. Humbling... yes. Maybe I'm fanatical about this stuff(see *blue sky*); no, I know I am. But God, in all of his infinite goodness cares about the little things and while the heavens declare the righteousness of God, I can't be sure that the sky would speak His plans to me. I know He hears and I know He cares so however you explain it, my soul has once again found rest in His leading.


  1. I love the porch here. It's not too big but I spent a couple of hours on it with three, sometimes four of the kids, Sunday, and we talked about nothing and everything. Changed seats a few times, enjoyed the company and good weather.


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