Pretty Baby

She's five and I hadn't gotten her final set of shots yet, so I decided to take her in today along with Leila to get her boosters. It was almost more than I could take when I told her. She had no idea that she was also on the shot roster when we left the house. I couldn't stand her being terrified all the way there and then during the course of the wait, so I finally told her when we were within minutes of being called back to the dreaded event. I felt so awful about the whole thing I almost laughed when I told her. I know that sounds terrible, but it was emotional overload. My body almost betrayed me and forced out the laugh. I knew she wouldn't believe me if I gave in to it though, so I just held my ground as my lips quivered. "You're getting a shot today too, honey." She stared in disbelief as the words, like the serum, coursed their way from her ears to her brain to her thoughts. After a few minutes she buried her face in my arm and cried and squeezed and begged and said, "I hate shots!" and then calmed as the fear pulsated with every heartbeat. As much as I know it's not true, it was almost harder on me watching her suffer! Which makes me wonder if God suffers when we do. It's so easy to attribute our emotional hang-ups to His character because we are made in His image, but does the Bible show us that God hurts for us when we are hurting? I believe, yes. Absolutely. *Psalm 56:8 You have taken account of my wanderings; Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your book?* He has certainly prepared us for a life of hardship and toil if we are walking the very path Jesus walked in this life. He has gone before us to prepare the way and *Psalm 23:4 4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.* I have read the poem entitled "Footsteps" and thought, "If He carried me, why are my feet blistered?" My life has been a menagerie of hot, hot, fire hot patches in the way that He has walked me through to prepare the callouses so that the next patch would be more bearable. So take heart, Christian. He knows. He feels. He cares. And He is there every step of the way to wrap His arms around you while you buckle down and take the shots, sometimes three at a time.


  1. I wish they would have given you the shot instead of her. Poor little thing. I mean I would have taken it if I were there, but lo, I wasn't, so you should have!
    - your ever lovin and considerate husband, Dale

  2. i checked out the ephesians blog--my conclusion--i am stupid.

  3. Hi mom I'm done writing in my next blog. bye.

  4. B... it is tough to watch the little ones go through that. Yesterday Anna had an upper GI in Springfield. Amy said that it was torture on her.. We will find out Monday if anything is wrong. God Must hurt when He see's pain in His children..

  5. well... I know I am heartless... but I had to hold back the chuckles when I read this... Poor little sugar pie!!! she seems fine now!!!


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