Perfect timing

We had this really great plan after Dale's first year of school; we were going to start in September of the fall semester of his third year making a valid attempt to create a baby. It never was an effort for us, just nix one step in the process. It seems unfair, but we have gladly accepted each precious blessing in perfect timing.Naturally we were totally freaked when I read two lines on the destiny stick in January, the spring semester of his second year. Our schedules were crazy, we had a complex schedule of sitters lined of for mornings, noons, and nights. I was exhausted working nights and home schooling and staying on top of the housework while Dale worked tirelessly on homework, reading everywhere we went, writing papers into the wee hours of morning, and often working two jobs. *He did all his studying at home engulfed in the chaos of life here because he wanted to spend every free minute near us. He's my hero.* I looked at that crazy thing and laughed. And laughed. And laughed. And laughed. Then I told him when he got home and he looked at me in disbelief. Them we started making phone calls, having accepted the reality of the circumstances, and on the other end of the receiver, we heard, "Oh no"s and "what are you going to do"s and "what about the plan"s. It broke my heart, but I knew it was shocking news. Next time I'll just send an e-mail so it will leave room for settling.
In my excitement I have announced our big news regarding the job and that the end is near. Unfortunately it's not as near as was conveyed to us; still waiting for phone calls to seal the deal. It's like the bad dream that just won't end! I can tell you this. If we had waited, stuck to the plan, I'd be holding a newborn right now, brimming with tears, begrudging the weight, barely sleeping, and also carrying the weight of this burden that has not yet been lifted. I would be worthless to my husband in the responsibility of "bear*ing* one another's burdens and so fulfill*ing* the law of Christ." While I know he could handle it in my express full faith in his capabilities, God knew it was more than he could bear and set us up in perfect timing.Besides, she is the sweetest bundle of marshmallow fluff... I don't know what we'd do without her. She is like a twinkling star in her Daddy's eye. And I wonder if maybe he needed that tiny boost of goodness for this time just to get him through. God never ceases to amaze me; therein my gratitude never ceases to flourish.


  1. I love that little squishy baby!!!! OOOOoooooo!!!!

  2. We feel the same way about bayleigh. We didn't have room, a van, or the finances...but I couldn't say no when they called us to come pick up the 6wk old! I didn't even call Topher...I just went to her and held her and have never let go. She has brought a spark of light into our home that is unexplainable. And her love for her Daddy is unmeasurable, his for her is uncontainable! What seemed to be the last thing we needed was exactly what God planned to be the best thing!She is ours now and such a wonderful gift! Sweet baby girls!

  3. don't even think of emailing me when number 6 is coming. I want a phone call because i will give the right/honest response--mostly because I have learned from you!!!

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