Isn't this the hugest paper airplane you've ever seen?

"Was Jesus ever a kid?" *enter into conversation: Micah* He's a thinker. Never occurred to me to consider Jesus’ humanity. I knew he was a baby, I knew he had to grow up, but I don't remember if I ever really thought about him being a kid like me, when I was a kid. A kid like one of the other kids on the playground or in my class. He's a thinker like his dad. Not his mother. His mother is flighty, a flake, an air head. I'm not pooling the sympathy vote here, I've come to grips with what I am and I can accept it with no shame. But I am not, by nature, a thinker. What I am is inspired. I'm inspired by God. The depths of Him inspire me to think, to consider, to ponder... And so I find myself scouring the pages of my Bible, grasping at trinkets of His character, His nature, His creation, and the things that thrill Him. In turn these things inspire questions like, what is blessing? I mean, we all want to "bless God" and we know He wants to "bless us" but what exactly does that mean? It will be the subject of my next search in the Word, which will also influence every other study I ever begin because the question remains and every time I find a little bit more, I will add it to the answers I find in my search. And after I've spent time scouring, it begs the question, "what the heck is going on for all of this to be necessary?" Where were they? Who was the author? Why did he want need to write the things he wrote? What was the city like? Who were the people receiving the writing? Which forces me into the history books, Roman culture, Jew and Gentile lifestyle comparisons...

I have SO far to go, SO much to learn, I want to inhale it! If I could, maybe I'd find some answers in this lifetime. But answers are not the end, while it thrills me to find them, or snippets of them; it's the search that's exhilarating to me. It's that in common conversation, the Word influences the things that I think and the responses that come out. While my actions have yet to be affected somehow- my character is so far far far from godly- still I seek knowing that He will change me if I am faithful to commit those things to Him moment by moment. No, I'm not a thinker, nor a studier. It's not my nature to be either. I'd rather eat bonbons and watch General Hospital. It's true. But racing against the tide is much more satisfying; pushing past everything that is natural about what I am in the flesh invigorates me! It's like nothing else in this life.

I love to stop and look into the sky, not just peek or glance, I love to fix my eyes on the vast expanse of the sky because the enormity of it all, the spectacular beauty, and the constant variation make everything else in this life so small. It gives me perspective. *I used to get inspired by trees in the same way; the ones that stand the test of time are so majestic. Some of them show the wounds of time and age, but they still stand tall and strong. And for Dale it was always the sky. But in comparison, the sky is such a reflection of God and trees are a reflection of our journey in the faith. And so, in the years we have spend being melded together, I have become like him... my eyes rarely focus on the trees, but rather the sky. God is forever making us one.*

So thinker or not, my friend, pursue Him. And not in music only or prayers only, but in study and in thought. Seek Him while He may be found.


  1. You know as your children see you searching after God, they will in turn follow your lead .....what a wonderful legacy and heritage for our little ones.

  2. How can you write that and say you are not a thinker? You know, I've known you my entire life and never really knew you were such a good writer. Why is that? I knew you were a lot of other a good singer, an amazing dancer or so I thought at the time. hahaha....I love you Becca and I love reading your blog. They way you word's amazing and I enjoy reading it. You should write a devotional....I'd buy it and read it and LOVE IT!!!!!

  3. Hey, girl!
    I finally figured out how to get your blog. I'm not sure about all this blog stuff.
    So, you are moving. You're out of the waiting room. I am truly happy for you. Dale looks fantastic! I know how hard it is. I commend him on that.

  4. your words have inspired me today. thanks b.


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