Moments... from CBC

I'll say yes Lord yes
To Your will and to Your way
I'll say yes Lord yes
I will trust You and obey
When Your Spirit speaks to me
With my whole heart I'll agree
And my answer will be yes Lord yes


  1. I have to laugh at the gentle lordship of Jesus Christ. Think about it, He could squash us like a bug, but for some reason he chooses to lovingly prod us in His will.
    I am fully aware that His Lordship isn't always this way, but I am thankful that he is the father of patience and keeps being so with us.
    Mississippi...if God doesn't has a sense of humor in his discipleship process then I'm chopped liver. I'll say yes as well

  2. Don't forget this one...

    Yes Lord _ Yes Lord
    From the bottom of my heart to the Depths of my soul-ooo Yes Lord
    Completely yes
    My soul says Yes

    What was that name of that singing group you were in and you guys wore "street clothes".
    You guys rocked! Totally cuting edge.
    Oh the Glory Days

  3. Out of Egypt... and YES I LOVE THAT ONE!!! Forgot all about it!


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