
I love my house... when it’s clean. If I am gone for any amount of time and come home to disaster area, I lose my mind. I can’t think. I can’t breathe. I feel closed in. It is as if the clutter in noise, that creepy monkey banging cymbals together. I can’t stand it. As soon as I’m out of bed each morning, I make my bed. Pick up shoes. Hang clothing. Take the dirty laundry out. I wouldn’t say I’m a clean freak, but I love order. I more than love it. I want it perfect. Perfection is the goal. We were made for perfection. Way back in the Garden, we were perfect. We drank from that beautiful well. But when Adam sinned, he was shut out of the garden of perfection, and vicariously, so were we. God has set that love of perfection in our hearts, but we cannot achieve it without Him. Even if we work really hard and strive for it, we can’t even come close. But we have access to the source of perfection. He can satisfy that need. He closes the gap between our brokenness and whole...